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The simple hamburger has come a long way.

Indeed, over time, people have begun to elevate it far beyond a simple ground beef patty with ketchup, maybe lettuce, tomato and onions.

From the special sauce at Shake Shack, to Daniel Boulud's $30 multi-tiered burger, the variations on the simple burger are far too many to mention.

And likely will only grow, as some people will believe that just about anything can work on a hamburger.

While some experiments haven't and likely won't pay off, other ingredients which one might immediately think have no place on a burger prove to be just the ticket.

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People Divulge The Best Compliment They've Ever Received
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

You never know what kind of day someone is having.

But when that person – who may have drama at home or trouble in the workplace – hears a compliment, it can be enough to turn their day around.

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Students Explain Why Their Teacher Broke Down In Class

Teaching can be an extremely rewarding occupation. Teachers get to help students grow and develop as people, and help to shape their outlook on life.

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People Reveal Compliments They Received That Turned Out To Be Insults

My mom's side of the family all have PhD's in backhanded complimenting. I grew up getting things like:

"Oh my goodness would you look at those grades! You must work so hard! Your mom is so lucky, my daughter doesn't try hard at anything - not even her modeling career! Sure, she's gorgeous - but look at how much you try!"

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Sometimes, we wonder what goes through people's minds before they open their mouths.

Like, we get it, you tried to be nice. But it didn't quite work and now this is weird. You have made it weird.

So what exactly constitutes a weird compliment?

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