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People Break Down The Worst Insult They've Heard That Wasn't Meant As An Insult
Photo by Angshu Purkait on Unsplash

There are few feelings worse than when someone goes out of their way to insult you.

In fact, what might be the only thing that feels worse is when someone insults you accidentally or without realizing it.

This might happen when someone assumes you're on your way to a costume party based on your choice of clothes or laughing upon hearing your middle name on the assumption it must be a joke.

When in fact you went to great pains to choose said outfit and were most definitely not kidding about your middle name.

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People Reveal The Nicest Thing Anyone's Said About Them That Stuck With Them

Two or three days ago I was hanging out with a friend I met through my future husband. He confessed some personal stuff to me before the rest of our friends showed up. At the end of the conversation I asked him why he opted to tell me as opposed to anyone else in our friend group. His response:

"You're the kidneys."

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If you or anyone you know has ever gone to law school, you understand that person essentially disappears for a few years. The work load is insanely heavy and difficult, the classes are next to impossible, and socializing becomes a strategic career move. One Reddit user's already clingy boyfriend isn't adjusting well to the change at all and she isn't sure how to help him - or if she even should.

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Love is a beautiful thing. it is a core gift of life. To be able to find that one in a million person to spend this life and eternity with is something we all dream about. One of the worst feelings in the world involving love is not having the love you feel reciprocated. And hey... we've all been there. Thank God for vodka and good friends.... and Adele.

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