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Cashier at a coffee shop​
Nathan Dumlao/Unsplash

The main reason why employees love their jobs is not exclusively due to the line of work they're in or because of the job description.

A lot of it has to do with good morale and work environment -- all of which stem from good management.

However, it takes one major misstep for all the chips to come tumbling down.

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People Break Down The Stupidest Move A Company's Ever Made

What clown thought that was a good idea?

People Break Down The Stupidest Move A Company's Ever Made
Photo by Michal Matlon on Unsplash

Running a successful multi-million or billon dollar business is no easy task. It takes an endless well of blood, sweat and tears. The The key to staying powerful as a company is staying innovative and ahead of the curve. Business in all fields morph at a record pace, so you have to think big or go home. Often that BIG thought and plan is lucrative and life-changing for the better and sometimes.... its a disaster and it crumbles a dynasty.

Redditor u/RusherTheBFDIFan wanted to discuss some wrong decisions made by corporations by asking...
Photo by Michal Matlon on Unsplash
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Firing for cause is one thing, but canning someone over minutia is another. Some bosses are on a power trip, and getting unemployment can become impossible if they're out to get you.

slayer19901 asked: What is the stupidest thing that someone has been fired for in your workplace?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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