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Non-Asexuals Reactions To The Idea Of An Asexual Significant Other
Photo by Sdf Rahbar on Unsplash

No two people have the same sex drive.

There are those who simply can't get enough sex, as it is what empowers them and gives them purpose, such as the glorious Samantha Jones of Sex And The City.

Then there are those who could go days, weeks, months, even years without having even the tiniest sexual encounter, but live perfectly happy lives.

The proud asexuals.

Providing it is safe and consensual, there is no right and wrong when it comes to sex.

However, supposing one day two people had a classic Hollywood "meet cute", firmly believing it to be love at first sight, only to discover that one half of this prospective couple is asexual and the other is not.

What would their reactions be?

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Mormon Republican Lawmaker Nathan Ivie Comes Out As Gay In Powerful Video
Nathan Ivie/Facebook

Nathan Ivie, a Republican lawmaker from Utah, recently came out as gay in a video posted to Facebook.

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Kristen Stewart Talks About The Pressure To Come Out And Why It Was Such A Difficult Decision

LGBTQ acceptance, despite our many advances, still has a ways to go.

But Twilight actress Kristen Stewart noted how far we've come in regards to coming out and claiming one sexual identity.

The 29-year-old actress told the Associated Press that she is happy that today's youth aren't faced with the similar pressures of having a "huge responsibility" in discussing sexuality as she has in the past.

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BYU Valedictorian Comes Out As Gay During Powerful Graduation Speech, And The Internet Is Cheering
Matt Easton/YouTube, @tabbycat6380/Twitter

Matt Easton, Valedictorian of Utah's Brigham Young University's class of 2019, made a very brave choice for his speech—he came out as gay in a speech that acknowledged the achievements of his peers, and himself.

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Being gay or bi is a fabulous thing! Now, it can be a daunting and lonely experience, sure. After all, it is a a life altering revelation. Once you know, for sure, there is no going back. Often when one discovers about themselves it can come as a surprise. And you realize the signs were there all along, you just have to follow them.... all the way down the glittered road.

Redditor u/AgeOfZac wanted to hear from everyone about 'that moment' when they no longer could hide their true selves by asking.... Homosexuals/Bisexuals of reddit. What was your 'gay awakening' moment?

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