coming out

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Person offering a slice of Pride cake
Alexander Grey/Unsplash

Coming out of the closet is an inconvenient rite of passage for anyone who has been suppressing their authentic selves for the comfort of their heterosexual acquaintances.

While there have been some advances made regarding LGBTQ+ visibility with role models who are out, it's still impossible to predict friends' reactions.

This is exactly why some tend to reconsider declaring their sexual identity.

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Person wearing a Pride Equality cap
Elyssa Fahndrich/Unsplash

For closeted individuals, coming out is a rite of passage in life that LGBTQ+ people never signed up for.

Why is it that anyone who inherently identifies a certain way has to explain themselves to those who are confused and unwavering in their socialized ignorance?

Times have changed and while there have been advances made for LGBTQ+ people to find more acceptance and feel less like an "other," there are still many challenges to overcome.

Even with gay role models prevalent in pop culture, it can still be difficult for gay youth today to come out to a parent who chooses to live in the past and align themselves to antiquated ideals in society that prevents them from loving their child as they are.

But sometimes, the response after opening up to a parent in a vulnerable moment can prove that unconditional love is the best thing in the entire world.

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Coming out is never easy.

Even in this day and age it comes with a touch of drama.

Of course we have to acknowledge how society has come a long, LOOOONG way with this topic.

The LGBTQ+ community of today definitely has a more welcoming world to announce themselves to.

But the truth is, it's still an intimate experience one must come to terms with.

And there is always that moment when... you know.

No matter your age, you still have the A-HA realization.

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Non-Asexuals Reactions To The Idea Of An Asexual Significant Other
Photo by Sdf Rahbar on Unsplash

No two people have the same sex drive.

There are those who simply can't get enough sex, as it is what empowers them and gives them purpose, such as the glorious Samantha Jones of Sex And The City.

Then there are those who could go days, weeks, months, even years without having even the tiniest sexual encounter, but live perfectly happy lives.

The proud asexuals.

Providing it is safe and consensual, there is no right and wrong when it comes to sex.

However, supposing one day two people had a classic Hollywood "meet cute", firmly believing it to be love at first sight, only to discover that one half of this prospective couple is asexual and the other is not.

What would their reactions be?

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For those who must encounter it, the "coming out" conversation has got to be so anxiety-provoking.

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