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The Most Brutal Insults People Have Ever Heard

Reddit user cristicrystal asked: 'what is the most brutal insult you have ever received/given?'

young woman sitting on stairs
Photo by Leila de Haan on Unsplash

Insults are almost never necessary or called for, particularly directly to someone's face, in front of a whole crowd of people.

Even so, sometimes when a truly brutal insult is thrown at you, you can't help but appreciate it just a little bit.

Whether or not this was something this conversational bully came up with on the fly, or was waiting days, weeks, months or years to unleash on you, clever word choice is hard to ignore and not appreciate.

Including when the tables are turned, and you've come up with something wickedly clever, if not at all nice, to unfurl on someone you're conversing with.

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People Share The Absolute Best Comebacks They Know
Photo by Afif Kusuma on Unsplash

Being at a loss for words can be incredibly frustrating.

Particularly when someone has just thrown an insult in your direction.

While your brain is simply screaming to take them down, sometimes it's just impossible to find the right words in the heat of the moment.

Redditor anonymoussalmon1 surveyed his fellow Redditors for the best comebacks that can be used at almost any time by asking :

"What are the best comebacks you know to any kind of insults?"
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People Share Their Best Responses To Being Told 'F**k You'
Alex Motoc on Unsplash

You've probably had someone tell you "f*ck you" or to "go f*ck yourself" at least once or twice or ten times throughout your life and if you haven't, have you even lived?

But what do you say when you want to be smart and witty and want to shut someone down while you're at it?

After all, you can't just stand there, you probably should have a response lined up.

(Disclaimer: Know when to walk away, seriously.)

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People Divulge Their Go-To Signature Insults
Photo by saeed karimi on Unsplash

I love a good war of words. There should be a game show based on how everyone cuts the deepest and with style.

Can you imagine winning a million dollars for telling someone off?

I could die satisified.

The perfect way to use language in an insult has become an art form.

Especially when people who deserve a good tongue lashing can't tell they're being rightfully taken to task.

Redditorda-noob-manwanted to hear all the best verbal slings we love throwing. They asked:

"What is your signature insult?"
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People Divulge Their Favorite Go-To Comebacks
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

Whether the person delivering the remark is joking or dead serious and miserable, chances are that we'll be insulted plenty of times in our lives.

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