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People Confess Which Discontinued Items They Want To See Make A Comeback
Photo by vnwayne fan on Unsplash

Ice cream lovers of the 90s fondly remember Viennetta, an ice cream cake made of ripples of vanilla ice cream and compound chocolate which made one feel like they were eating something they'd be served in a high-end patisserie, and not found in your supermarket's frozen aisle.

While Breyer's discontinued Viennetta in the late 1990s, Good Humor delighted fans when they began to redistribute it in January of 2021.

If Viennetta could find its way back into the frozen aisle, one can't help but think about other long-discontinued things we would love to see back in action.

Be it a flavor of ice cream, potato chip or soft drink, a former TV show, a festival or parade, or even modes of transportation, who doesn't occasionally find themselves falling down a nostalgic rabbit hole and wonder "if only..."

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The only thing better than a REALLY good insult is an equally as good or better comeback.

That kind that gets the entire room involved, where people applaud, or someone goes "Ohhhhhh!" and the fun and energy of the comeback just really gets you jazzed.

Maybe that's just our inflated view from the metric tons of 80s movies we've been watching in lockdown, but, that's the idea.

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People Share The Comebacks They're Still Proud Of
Image Source/ Getty Images

Nothing's better than a good comeback. Outside of maybe sneezing, thinking of the perfect zinger in the right moment to snap back in someone's face is the tops. Sometimes, it's such a sweet moment, you'll remember it for the rest of your life.

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Anyone who has worked in a customer facing position has had to deal with a customer demanding a manager at least once. Sometimes, they have a valid concern, and it's just something that's out of your hands. Often, though, they're misinformed or just upset and making everyone's lives more difficult.

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Bosses Share The Times They Shut Down A Customer With 'You're Already Speaking To The Manager'

Anyone who has worked in a customer facing position has had to deal with a customer demanding a manager at least once. Sometimes, they have a valid concern, and it's just something that's out of your hands. Often, though, they're misinformed or just upset and making everyone's lives more difficult.

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