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I didn't know how much use I'd get out of my Instant Pot or my air fryer until I got them. They totally changed my cooking game and helped me save so much time prepping and cleaning up.

If you were to ask me if they were among the best purchases I've ever made me, I'd have to say yes. And yeah, I will continue to sing the praises of both of these household items to everyone I meet.

These are just two examples of things that turned out to be well worth the purchase, however.

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Countless men and women think hands and forearms are the sexiest part of a man, which is why many people are over the moon about the sight of a man in a button-down with rolled-up sleeves.

There's just something about it, isn't there? You're thinking about it right now, aren't you?

If you've not a single clue what people are attracted to, then have a look. You'll be surprised some rolled up sleeves, form-fitting T-shirts, and a well-tailored suit can take you.

People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor [deleted] asked the online community,

"What is the sexiest thing a man can wear?"
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People Explain Which Stores Are The Most Painful To Shop At
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Have you ever walked into a store, and just thought “dang, this is overwhelming"? Because I know I have. Specifically, the time when I walked into a certain boutique on 5th Avenue in NYC, because I'm a freelance writer, and I don't have 5th Avenue money. I'd consider those price points a rather painful experience.

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