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People Reveal The Real Reasons They Sleep Naked
Photo by Oleg Ivanov on Unsplash

So many people love to go natural.

Nudists have been trying to make us see their ways for decades.

For some, sleeping in the buff can be one of the best ways to sleep.

Sheets cool on the flesh is such a great feeling.

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People Debate The Most Inappropriate Things Someone Can Wear To A Theme Party
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Who doesn't love a theme party?

When you not only get to dress up in something completely over the top, but also get to bear witness to everyone else's zany outfits in-keeping with the party's theme.

Be it Regency era, glam rock, or fairy tale villains.

Or what if the challenge is just to be blatantly inappropriate?

A theme which got the imagination of Redditor StockD0ctorStockD0ctor running wild, resulting in their taking to Reddit to ask:

"You are going to a party. The theme is dress inappropriately. Who or what do you dress as?"
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People Describe The Type Of Clothing They Find Most Attractive
Jeremy Beadle on Unsplash

What is or isn't attractive is purely subjective.

A total turnoff for one might be just right for someone else.

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People Explain Which Items Are Unnecessarily Expensive For No Reason
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

The world at large is entirely too expensive. Why is gas more than a monthly mortgage payment?

There is a scene in one of my all-time favorite shows (Arrested Development) where one of the greatest characters ever created (Lucille Bluth) says to her son Michael (Justin Bateman)... "It's one banana, Michael. What could it cost? $10?"

When the show aired it was an absurdly brilliant line.

In 2021? $10? Could be!

Redditor u/OutrageousSea5212 wanted to compare notes on what we've all paid way too much money for, by asking:

What's something that's unnecessarily expensive?
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People Explain Which Items They Prefer To Buy In Person Rather Than Online
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

I live to shop. I often have to stop myself like an addict needing a fix. And don't even get me started on Target. I've told security to tase me at first glance. One of the things I love most about shopping is doing it up close and personal.

I just can't get onboard with the online shopping craze. Maybe it's because I crave instant gratification or because of the few times I ordered online it was an unholy disaster. The sizes never seem to fit and more often than not, it never looks like what you ordered.

I don't want to pine away at window waiting on a delivery truck that may bring the wrong item. I want to hand my cash to the sexy clerk and saunter out with my item for me to indulge in at once.

Redditor u/Rindhallow wanted to discuss why up close and personal is always best when shopping, by asking:

What item do you prefer buying in person rather than online?
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