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The Most Unusual Ways People Have Almost Died

"Reddit user sintemp asked: 'In what unusual way have you almost died?'"

The Most Unusual Ways People Have Almost Died
Photo by Sandy Millar

I've lost track of the number of times I've averted death.

One of the most unusual was death by a dog.

My dog is small.

And she loves to sneak up on people.

She loves sneaking up on me the most.

I've explained that I need her to stop.

Especially after she popped out of a closet at the top of the stairs.

I swear I heard God whisper hello in the split second from when I tripped to miraculously being able to grab the handrail.

I've tried to tell her that she's not in the will, so lay off.

All of my other near deaths are car incidents and bad dates.

Care to share?

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