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All of us were positively impacted by a teacher in one way or another.

Even those of us who hated school still have one teacher who continues to influence our life decades after graduation.

In some cases, this influence is a very personal one, as this particular teacher may have given us some extra attention, and went to great lengths to make sure we were reaching our full potential.

Then there are the teachers whose name brings a smile to the face of all who ever knew them.

The sort of teacher who made people excited to get to class, and who so seamlessly gained the respect of their students, that they wanted them not just to be their teacher, but to be their friend.

Not by doing anything remarkable, but simply by being themselves.

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Teachers Divulge The Tell Tale Signs That Students Have A Crush On One Another

When you stick a bunch of puberty stricken kids together, sparks are bound to fly.

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People Share The Most Savage Thing A Teacher Has Ever Said To Them
Photo by airfocus on Unsplash

Teachers, educators, and coaches are people too.

In fact, they are some of the wittiest people around, you'd have to be to deal with some of the fools, neh, students they see on a daily basis.

More educators should probably go into stand-up comedy but past students and institutions who employed them wouldn't be able to handle it.

Teachers... write down your best thoughts, make t-shirts, you could use the extra income.

Redditor areaditor wanted everyone who has been vanquished by a teacher to speak out by asking...

What is the most savage thing a teacher has ever said to you?
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Students Share Their Best "Well That Happened" Classroom Moments
selimaksan/ GettyImages

Every day in a classroom is a roll of the dice. Educators and students alike have no idea what will happen when you put 20-30 teenagers in a room. Odds are it won't turn into a "Lord of the Flies" kind of situation. but on rare occasions you'll get an incredibly WTF moment that can be shared on the internet for all to see.

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Being a teacher really can't be easy.

You're always dealing with a bunch more than a single human being really should be dealing with. And you're technically responsible for like, the future of America, so you know, no pressure.

Sometimes it's just the worst day ever and it's a miracle you make it out intact. But you know, it all would have been okay without that annoying as HECK thing you had to deal with today...

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