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I have seen many a scary movie.

A horror movie done right can haunt you forever.

Have you seen "The Exorcist?"

Good Lord.

I don't know if I'm ready for the new sequel.

I love to be a little frightened by a movie.

But haunted for life is a different story.

Plus, I can't sleep with the lights on...

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People Break Down Which Movies Have Aged Poorly As Time Goes On
Photo by Krists Luhaers on Unsplash

Film historians and cinephiles claim many Turner Classic Movies transcend time and perpetually prompt renewed interest through successive generations.

There are arguably classic films like The Wizard of Oz (1939), All About Eve (1950), Singin' in the Rain (1952), Sunset Blvd. (1950), and The Godfather (1972), that are still being revisited and validated as some of the best cinema to this day.

Some films, however, eventually fell out of favor among moviegoers despite initially receiving critical acclaim and prestigious film awards.

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Empty movie auditorium
something magical/Unsplash

Cinema aficionados love to enjoy discussing and engaging in debates about their respective favorite films.

While there are many excellent movies in historical cinema, fans also enjoy trash-talking the absolute worst films ever made.

What they don't disclose, however, is the fact that they embarrassingly enjoy campy films and appreciate revisiting them behind closed doors.

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People Explain Which Movies Made Them Think, 'Holy Sh*t, There's Still 50 Minutes Left?'
Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Movies are awesome.

They change lives and hold special places in our hearts.

But some films need help.

I don't mind a long film if it's necessary but the shorter, the better.

Pace is everything.

And superfluous pieces of the story are irritating.

If a movie is longer than it needs to be, it can taint the whole experience.

Nobody wants to be more excited to leave a theater than enjoy a great story.

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People Break Down The Most Glaring Mistakes They've Seen In Movies
Photo by Wyron A on Unsplash

Hollywood isn't immune to mistakes.

There is always an imperfection or six.

It may not be in the performance or the film as a whole but in the details.

Edits can be overlooked.

Story points can be lost.

Plot holes can be big enough to crash a small car.

Most of these we can forgive or even chuckle at, but some leave us dumbfounded.

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