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In spite of the separation of church and state and the fact that anyone should be able to freely practice any religion they choose, an ever-increasing number of far-right conservatives have used their Christian beliefs to espouse hatred and bigotry.

An all too common attack they utilize is telling someone who disagrees with them that they're "going to Hell."

Unfortunately, this prediction rarely leads people to quake in their boots as was intended.

And instead, they're the ones who often find themselves at a loss for words when the people they verbally attack have a comeback line all prepared.

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Woman looking at Bible
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Famous quotes have frequently been credited to the wrong famous person, like William Shakespeare, Albert Einstein, or even Morgan Freeman.

But another popular reference point is the Bible, to which a surprising number of ideas have been falsely credited.

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People Imagine The First Thing Jesus Would Say If He Returns And Sees Our World
Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

I tell you what:

He would look at certain corners of the internet and immediately start crying.

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People Explain What Absolutely Ruined Religion For Them
Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash

Critics of religion say that religion is outdated, harmful to individuals, and society at large. Others view religion as anti-science. Still others have expressed reservations about many religions' views toward women and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

There are many other reasons of course, but these are several examples of religious practices that have contributed to many peoples' decision to leave religion altogether.

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Former Christians Explain Why They Really Left The Church
Thomas Vitali/Unsplash

Christianity is a powerful religion. It has infiltrated many regions, cultures, and even politics.

However, as powerful as it is, people in the U.S. are leaving the religion in droves. Pew Research Center says the percentage of Americans who are Christian is down 12% from the last decade.

Interestingly, Pew Research Center reports:

"Meanwhile, the religiously unaffiliated share of the population, consisting of people who describe their religious identity as atheist, agnostic or 'nothing in particular,' now stands at 26%, up from 17% in 2009."

But, why are they leaving? Well, Ask Reddit wanted to know people's first hand accounts that gives us some insight into why they left the church.

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