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What's on the menu?

Not all foods can be served in varying degrees of temperature. But some have a sort of multi-tasking consumption ability.

Certain foods MUST be hot, and others cold as ice.

And then some... you can eat any moment of the day and at any temp.

I love those foods.

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People Describe The Most Dangerous Food They've Ever Eaten
Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

Now as much as many of us love food or are self-professed, proud foodies... there is no reason to eat anything and everything. Some foods, particularly when you visit other countries need to be researched before consumed. You know there is a blowfish (fugu) that is popular in Tokyo that can kill you? You should look up menu items you can't pronounce before you're pronounced deceased.

Redditor u/PanBijo wanted to hear about the times food... became the enemy by asking... What's the most dangerous food you've ever eaten?
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Chefs Share Their Absolute Favorite Ingredients To Use In The Kitchen
Image by Salah Jalal from Pixabay

Trying to replicate that tasty dish you had at a restaurant can prove to be an enormous challenge for the amateur cook.

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Chefs Divulge Cooking Tips That Everyone Should Know
Image by Salah Jalal from Pixabay

Not everyone excels at cooking, and that's okay.

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Amateur Chefs Share Their Biggest No-Nos In The Kitchen
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

The kitchen is a sacred place for many. If you merely dabble in the art of cuisine you must be careful. Those who live by fires of the chef, they can't afford mistakes. But we all make them. So let's put a list together of all the secrets the kitchen holds.

Redditor u/thepapumemes wanted to talk with all the cooks out there who are trying to do new things and maybe shouldn't by asking.... What's a big No-No in cooking?

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