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fan of 100 U.S. dollar banknotes
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

One of the hardest things in the world is being able to afford life's necessities. We all work and make money (or have parents that do), but having money and being able to afford what you need are two different things.

I'm not just talking about the latest gadgets, either.

Not having a fancy knife set or the newest Apple Watch won't destroy your life.

I'm talking about the things so vital to our survival that they should be cheap, but are actually near impossible to afford.

Redditors know this to be true and are ready to share what some of those vital things are.

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People Divulge Which Expensive Brands Are Not Worth The Cost
Photo by on Unsplash

Just because it has several zeroes on the price tag doesn't necessarily mean it's worth it. And just like antibiotics, generic can often be the better option.

You don't have to go bankrupt to appreciate and enjoy fabulous things.

The sad truth is that too many companies and corporations have swindled us all into believing that their products are top of the line.

And that a certain name on a brand or label means it's made with the utmost care and expense.

When the truth is, we'd be better off fashioning half of these products in our own homes.

Redditor letmebesexy wanted to discuss why more often than not, it's better to just go generic. They asked:

What brand is overpriced/not worth the money?
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People Share The Most Life-Changing Items They've Ever Gotten For Under $100
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Money isn't everything. That is one of my favorite Cyndi Lauper songs. And it epitomizes so much.

Yes, money does make the world go round and it is a vital and necessary part of life, but you don't need to hoard tons of it like Scrooge McDuck to make a few essential purchases that will make life a little more fulfilling.

Sometimes the most simple item can change everything. You never know when a late night infomercial is selling you the goods.

Redditor u/MiracleRian wanted to hear about some of the best treasures out there, that are affordable, by asking:

What life changing item can you buy for under 100$?
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People Explain Which 'Poverty Meals' They Still Actually Enjoy
Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

At one point in our lives, we have struggled to make ends meet and ate whatever we could to survive.

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The value of something, like art, is in the eye of the beholder.

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