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People Explain Which Celebrities Have The Most Instantly Recognizable Voices
Jackson Simmer/Unsplash

Confession: I could never make it through Mulan 2. The reason? Mushu.

In the original movie he was voiced by Eddie Murphy, but in Mulan 2 he is voiced by an actor attempting to recreate Eddie Murphy's voice. Yeah, no.

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People Share The Best Movies That Totally Epitomize The 1990s
Photo by Jake Hills on Unsplash

The 90s were a magical time.

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People Break Down The Pros And Cons Of Being Friends With A Celebrity
Ethan Haddox/Unsplash

I promise, fame is NOT as amazing as you think it would be; but don't take it from me, take it from these people who have famous friends and family.

Spoiler Alert: The problem is US.

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People Break Down The Most Toxic Fanbases They've Ever Seen
Luuk Wouters/Unsplash

Toxic fan behavior has been a staple of American celebrity culture. That's what brought the famous British band The Beatles over to the States. They knew their career would take off, and it did, and even had women fainting in their concerts.

Since then, celebrities have been idolized to a point where fans feel connected to celebrities on a deeply emotional level. In reality, that star has no idea who that fan even is, let alone feelings any emotional connection.

This is what we call "Stan Behavior," which stems from an Eminem song called Stan. Ultimately, the term has evolved even further since the internet makes us connected to what our favorite celebrities are up to at almost all times.

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