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Pets are a finicky lot. They have complete and well-established personalities, a sense and approach to life that, despite not speaking, we know all about.

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Pet Owners Reveal The Cutest Things Their Animals Do That Actually Screw Them Over

Pets make our lives better just by being their fluffy, feathery, or scaly selves. They give us unconditional love and another being to spoil with too many toys and treats.

They are their own beings, however, and have their own idiosyncrasies and weird behaviors.

Sometimes these peculiarities are absolutely adorable, but they can also be a major pain in the butt.

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Pet Owners Reveal The Most Bizarre Thing Their Pet Expects Of Them

Pets bring joy to our lives and comfort us when we're upset, but it's not always sunshine and roses.

They also do some pretty bizarre things and have interesting expectations of their humans.

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In many ways, our pets are like our furry children who demand attention the same way a human child would. And, just like a human child, pets tend to misbehave if they're not given the attention they believe is their due.

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Man Wakes Up To An Adorable Cat Snuggling Him Following His Surgery—But There's A Hilarious Problem

New Zealand MP Andrew Falloon just shared a photo of his father, who recently underwent surgery and is currently still recovering, on Twitter.

In the photo, his father was asleep on the couch with a furry feline friend, in the most adorable position possible: holding hands!

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