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Wesley Tingey/Unsplash

While many classified documents of disturbing cases are now accessible to the public, there are some things that have happened throughout history that are better left unknown.

Still, there will always be curious minds wanting to know the details of some of the most disturbing cases that were once strictly confidential information.

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People Break Down The Creepiest Unsolved Mysteries They've Ever Heard
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Documentary shows like Unsolved Mysteries are deeply disturbing to watch. Yet, these unresolved cases have an unexplainable allure that draws people in.

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Not all of your cases are going to be things you agree with.

Lawyers have to do the job they're given. It's part of the oath they swore when they passed the bar. And unfortunately, it's not always going to align with their values.

Sometimes, they're even rooting against their own cases. And when they lose, it's a relief.

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Frivolous lawsuits. Greed. Stupidity. Suing people is the American way, and people conjure up all sorts of reasons for trying to screw someone over in court. Lawyers know what's up, though, and the things people try to sue for are truly bonkers.

ThyDillyDilly asked lawyers of Reddit: What's the most cringey case you've had?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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Ever wonder why lawyers defend guilty people? Especially those that are downright dumb? It's not just for the stories; it's necessary to preserve our system of rights. Sometimes they're simply hilarious.

-lifealert- asked lawyers of Reddit: What was the least defendable case ever brought to you?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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