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People Describe The Dumbest Way They've Almost Died
panyawat auitpol on Unsplash

Death is coming for all of us. One way or another we're going to leave behind this mortal coil.

The hopes for most is to either go out a hero or peacefully.

But we certainly don't want to be taken out by a situation that could read like an Onion article.

You know like... "Man killed by flying toilet. Looks flushed."

Don't have your life cut short by being an idiot or by not paying attention.

Our deaths are the last ways we're remembered, better to be accompanied by warm smiles and not a lifelong meme.

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People Describe The Most Refreshing 'I Don't Give A F***' Moments They've Ever Witnessed
Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash

We all have our moments of giving in to a situation.

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