call center

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Years ago, I worked in food service and I think I'm still traumatized by it.

There's something about working for minimum wage, being denied breaks, and running around dealing with rude people all day that really gets to you.

Good thing I'm no longer in it!

These days, I'm a broke writer, and you know what, that's okay with me. It's definitely an improvement!

When I tell people about my time in food service, many respond that they don't know how I did it. I still wonder that myself.

And there are plenty of jobs out there that I won't do (or go back to).

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YouTuber Heroically Infiltrates Scam Call Center To Warn Potential Victims
Jim Browning/YouTube

No one likes receiving robocalls. They're annoying, they weird you out, and many of these calls are trying to siphon you for your personal information.

That's how identity theft happens, people.

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