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Why are we still putting up with societal and cultural BS?

Seems like society has backslid into allowing behavior we proved was unacceptable.

I guess the learning was only temporary due to the pandemic.

We make excuses for the worst people.

Call out bad behavior.

It's the only way we'll grow.

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People Confess What They've Been Bullied About In The Past
Photo by Jerry Zhang on Unsplash

When you're young, being the victim of bullying can be a common problem. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, "One out of every five... students report being bullied."

Bullying comes in all forms, including verbal teasing, physical violence, and cyberbullying. Bullying also focuses on a variety of different "reasons."

The National Center for Educational Statistics reports that students are bullied for uncontrollable factors, including, "...physical appearance, race/ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation."

While bullying is in no way okay, and should never be accepted, it might help to know no one is ever alone.

That may have been the thought process behind the question Redditor Melkermyrendal asked:

"What have you been bullied for?"
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People Describe What Is Not Recognized As Bullying But Actually Is
Zoe Fernandez on Unsplash

There was a time when cyberbullying wasn't taken seriously, believe it or not. Times have certainly changed, haven't they?

Now that smartphones are so ubiquitous, people take cyberbullying more seriously than they ever did, not that there weren't cases of cyberbullying that made the news before.

There was a time when people were just instructed to not take cyberbullying so seriously, to the detriment of everyone.

It's a kind of bullying that is now treated with the attention and seriousness it deserves.

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People Share Why They Were Bullied When They Were Younger
Photo by Jerry Zhang on Unsplash

Kids can really be cruel. Why is that? Simple answer, because adults don't know any better. Bullying is a learned behavior and it's time for parents to step up.

As much as we discuss bullying out in the open nowadays, it still seems like an enormous amount of kids are suffering.

We definitely have social media to thank for that. Too many people have access to easy ways to spew their hate and vitriol.

Let's hear some stories...

Redditor FarSheepherder3880 wanted to hear from the survivors of bullies, they asked:

"What did you get bullied for?"
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People Explain What Is More Psychologically Damaging Than People Seem To Realize​
Kristina Tripkovic/Unsplash

The things that cause us psychological damage aren't always the things people expect, and some events can be way more traumatic than you might think. This is especially true of things that happen to us as children.

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