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young girls in sunglasses
Photo by Morris Fayman on Unsplash

Even in our progressive society, there are still far too many people with antiquated, mostly ludicrous, opinions of what it is to be a woman.

These are primarily from men in powerful positions.

However, some women also tend to look down on those who believe they are giving their gender a bad name.

This ignorant behavior is most commonly known as "toxic femininity".

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Former School Bullies Break Down The Moment They Realized They Were The Bad Guy
Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

When we think about school bullies, we'd prefer to think of those exaggerated, cartoonish types we see in movies and television shows. It's more comfortable to keep that reality at arm's length.

But despite our best efforts to turn our heads, bullying is a very real piece of every school environment there is. It has been for years, and it still is, albeit now through the amplified means of social media and the internet.

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People Who Were Considered The 'Weird' Kid In School Share Their Side Of The Story
Anemone123 from Pixabay

Children and adolescents are often completely inept at socializing responsibly.

Unfortunately, certain traits were rewarded and others were not. For example, it's easy to interpret loud energy as confidence and humor.

But some kids just didn't have loudness in them.

But in that high school ecosystem, that's no mere attribute.

It's grounds for ridicule.

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Victims Of Bullying Explain How It Truly Affected Their Lives
Image by Sammy-Williams from Pixabay

Bullying is an epidemic. But it's looked on as something we should just all get over. Getting over being tortured or violated is not something one just "get's over." When I was in high school certain boys would throw glass bottles at my head and scream the word "f*g!" All I was trying to do was get to class. But for some reason, certain people felt they needed to scar me in order for me to grow. For a long time I didn't grow, I shrunk. The effects of those moments are haunting.

Redditor u/SakuraIsPink-_- wanted to discuss what happens when one is tormented for being themselves, why does it happen and how does life go on from it... they asked... [SERIOUS] Victims of bullying, what happened and how did it affect your life?
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In the movies, the bad guy pretty much always gets some comeuppance--but real life doesn't always work that way and this article is proof.

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