bucket list

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People Divulge Their Anti-Bucket List Of Things That They Never Want To Do Again
Gemma Evans on Unsplash

A bucket list is defined as a "number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime."

But what about people who have been there, done that?

Are there bucket list regrets?

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People Explain Which Things Everyone Should Experience At Least Once In Their Life
Jan Vašek from Pixabay

There's something really magical about traveling alone and wandering around a foreign country by yourself.

Be smart about it of course and do your research—always know what you're getting into. I guarantee you'll have some splendid experiences walking through different cities and chatting up locals at bars.

Some of my favorite memories are simply the ones where I sat somewhere, coffee or beer in hand, conversing with total strangers.

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Even in a full life lived many years, most of the world's sights go unseen. There simply is not the time nor money to cover a whole planet of vistas.

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People Share Their Top 'Bucket List' Travel Destinations

There are so many places in the world to go. So, so much to see and experience. We spend so much of our lives postponing our chances to roam soils we long to touch. So we make a list... a bucket list of destinations to go to before the end. We should just go as soon as we can and enjoy. Don't wait for "it's too late or before I die!"

Redditor u/froyoboyz wanted to hear what places everyone plans to see before the end by asking.... What's a place that someone must visit before they die?

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Man Sets National Park Record For Epic Nonstop Road Trip Across America
Mikah Meyers / Instagram

The death of a loved one changes everyone in different ways.

For Mikah Meyer, the death of his father proved both tragic and inspirational.

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