bucket list

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People Break Down The Things They're Waiting To Do Until They're Older
Matthew Bennett on Unsplash

Some people love to ascribe time limits to when they can and can't do things.

There are sayings out there such as "LA is for your 30s," or "I could only do that in my 20s," or "I feel like I'm in my 80s," when you are doing something like eating peanuts and watching Designing Women.

The truth is, we can do these things whenever. Though it's fun to ascribe ourself these limitations, they aren't necessarily accurate. but sometimes, people make the choice to leave things for later.

With life both being "no day but today" and an incomprehensible stretch of time among us, it's natural to reserve some things for later.

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Louis Tomlinson Helps An 83-Year-Old Man Check Items Off His Bucket List In Emotional New Music Video
Louis Tomlinson/YouTube

Louis Tomlinson released a new music video for a song titled "Two of Us" yesterday, and it has his fans feeling some feels.

In the video, Louis Introduces 83-year-old Richard and the pair go about crossing off some of the items on Richard's bucket list.

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This Guy Dancing The Same Dance With 1,000 Strangers From Around The World Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity 😍
Youtube: ProjectOneLife

It's not everyday the internet can find a wholesome video the whole world can get behind. And get behind this video the whole world did, as a YouTuber danced with groups of people all over the world.

Matt Bray on his Youtube channel ProjectOneLife uploaded a video of himself dancing with 1000 different people all over the world.

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