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People Reveal The Bribes They've Been Offered
Public Domain/Max Pixel

There's always a way out... if you know what to offer.

Redditor PancakeSam_ asked today's burning question: "Police of Reddit, what bribes do you get offered most often? And for what offences?"

Turns out there's a variety, but are you surprised?

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College Admissions Officers Share Their Parent Horror Stories

Story Time!

So, on my first day of college orientation, we met in the common square area to begin the tour. Out of 50 of us, no one had brought a parent along.

Shortly through the tour, one of the other students audibly sighed and grumbled "seriously?" We all kind of turned to look at him, but he continued along as if he were fine.

At our next stop, I noticed him glaring at an older man. As we walked across the campus I noticed the man was following us.

You guys... it was comically bad.

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