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Byyyeeee: People Confess Why They Broke Up With Their Ex

Reddit user pizzabagels1994 asked: 'What caused your last break up?'

man and woman sitting in front of each other at night
Fred Moon on Unsplash

There's a saying about needing to kiss a lot of frogs before finding Prince Charming. Most people date more than one person before settling on a life partner.

And even then it doesn't always work out.

Most of us have at least one breakup in our past. The reasons things don't work between people vary greatly.

But we all have our breaking point.

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People Divulge What Ruined Their First Real Relationship

Relationships take a lot of work, and a lot of people end up failing pretty hard before they learn to get it right.

Sometimes it's something one party in the relationship does, but sometimes it's just that they realize they're not a good fit for each other.

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Lovelorn People Reveal Why They Broke Up With The Person They Thought They'd Marry

Thinking you're going to marry someone should mean you know everything about them. However, the old saying goes you never know who you're sleeping with. That person you thought you'd be spending the rest of your life with could turn out to be a murderous, ravenous psycho who enjoys wearing the skinned flesh of raccoons while dancing to Dolly Parton music on Sunday mornings.

But, that doesn't happen to real people. Right?

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People Reveal How Their Relationships Almost Ended And How They Mended Things
Photo via Getty Images

Relationships are hard. Believe it or not, love often means having to say you're sorry. It's essential to the growth and maintenance of the relationship. It's also how a relationship can come back from the brink of demise.

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