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The Absolute Worst Ways To Break Up With Someone

Reddit user StarGazingMouse asked: 'What is the Worst way to break up with someone?'

Two people sitting on the sofa looking sad
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Ending a relationship is never easy.

True, some people who have an unfortunate amount of experience doing so have developed tactics and methods to ensure a lack of anger and/or tears.

This might include breaking up in a specific restaurant, having certain music playing while doing so, or timing things out just perfectly.

Of course, those with experience might also tell you certain breakup methods that are guaranteed to end in acrimony and vitriol.

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Paper ripping in two
Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash

When love is on the rocks and there's no salvaging a relationship, it's better for a couple to call it splits.

Sometimes the reason for a breakup is obvious.

Other times, it's more complicated.

But the people involved going their separate ways is better than staying in an unhealthy relationship.

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Angry man yelling into a public phone
Alexandra Mirgheș/Unsplash

A breakup can really reveal a person's true colors.

Whoever in the relationship initiated the heartbreaking news that "this isn't working out anymore" or for any other reason the significant other didn't see coming can elicit irrational behavior.

Can they be blamed for going into a blind rage? Well, it depends.

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People Share The Exact Moment They Knew They Needed To End A Romantic Relationship
Photo by Charlie Foster on Unsplash

Some relationships are doomed from the start.

But this might not always be obvious to the couple in question.

Sometimes, a relationship could last for months, even years, before one defining moment makes it clear that there will not be a future.

These moments might be things people can laugh about a few years later, or things they make every effort to rid from their memories.

Redditor donutnolikey was curious to hear the moment other members of the Reddit community knew that their relationship was dead in the water, leading them to ask:

"What was your “OH HELL NAH” moment in a relationship that made you leave?"
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It can be hard when a relationship has run its course, when there's no more gas left in the tank but you keep pushing the proverbial car forward hoping to reach your destination.

Sometimes you need to leave the car at the side of the road and keep making your way on foot. It's okay to ditch a bad relationship, and it'll be better for all parties involved in the long run.

You just have to know what signs to look for, and thankfully, the internet can provide a litany of examples.

Reddit user, Nonchalant_Calypso, wanted to know when the magic ended when they asked:

"What was the moment you knew your relationship was over?"

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