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The Real Reason People Left Their Ex

Reddit user Kenybrown asked: 'What’s the reason you left your ex?'

couple sitting on a bench
Photo by Charlie Foster on Unsplash

Ending a relationship is never easy.

In several cases, the reasons for doing so might also be unexpected.

More often than not, it simply becomes apparent to both members of the couple that the relationship has simply run its course, and there is no future.

Other times, however, there might be an inciting incident that made staying in the relationship no longer tenable.

Possibly a surprising act by one member of the couple, or a longstanding secret that was finally unearthed.

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People Who Broke Up With Someone Because Of Their Sexual History Explain Why

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People Divulge The Real Reason They Dropped A Childhood Best Friend
Duy Pham on Unsplash

Unfortunately, a friendship could really end at any point in life.

Friends grow apart, but also, sometimes, it's just necessary to say goodbye to your relationship with a friend.

Maybe they aren't the right type of friend for you anymore, or maybe something has happened in their lives to make them self-destructive and toxic.

The reasons are many, and they are all sad.

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two people holding black paper heart
Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

For the person deep in the throes of a toxic relationship, that familiarity of all that discomfort can be seductive. Simply put, we choose to stay in the horror we know, rather than pursue the unknown path away from the pain.

But sometimes there's a shift, a snap of sorts.

Whether it's an abusive act, an important conversation with a friend or trusted therapist, or just some epiphany that strikes like a bolt, a single moment can turn the tide and finally push us out of the loveless pairing.

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People Explain Why They Stayed With Someone They Don't Love Any More
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

When we are on the outside looking in, it can feel so obvious that a relationship is doomed.

When we offer advice to friends, family, or people oversharing at a party, the correct next move often seems wildly obvious: get out of that relationship.

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