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People Break Down The Weirdest Flex They're Strangely Proud About

Reddit user Alynatek asked: 'What is a weird flex you are proud of?'

Whether we want to think so or not, we all have something to be proud of.

We've all accomplished something or are good at something that we can easily say not everyone can do.

But some of those abilities might be a little more strangely received than others.

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It's never attractive to gloat.

Though every so often, we can't help boast about our accomplishments or the accomplishments of others.

Even so, it can get exhausting to hear others go on and on about a recent achievement.

Particularly if that achievement might not exactly be worth celebrating.

Indeed, some people are so inclined to brag about certain elements of their life, that they often don't stop to consider whether or not bringing attention to it is, in fact, a very good idea.

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Kids' Best 'Weird Flex, But OK' Moments According To Parents

Parents love to brag about their kids, and who could blame them?

If their pride and joy wins a school art contest or places first at a sporting event, any accolade warrants boasting rights.

But what if kids are so extremely proud of their own accomplishments, big or small, and want to go around and exaggerate their victories, who are we to hold them back?

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People Share The Worst Thing A Potential Employer Ever Bragged About During A Job Interview
Photo by Van Tay Media on Unsplash

When it comes to job interviews, it's easy not to be discerning because we all want a consistent paycheck.

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People Divulge Their Ultimate 'Flex' From When They Were A Kid

George Rose
/ Contributor via Getty Images

What's impressive to us as kids and what's impressive to us as adults are two wildly different things. The "flexes" that we did on other kids typically revolved around impressing other students at school with various weird things. Here are some of the best ones, as the people of Reddit look back at childhood.

u/Tempest_OW_ asked: What was your ultimate flex when you were a child?

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