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People Break Down The Absolute Worst Professions To Go Into

Reddit user NocturnalMemeLord asked: 'What are the worst companies to work for or the worst professions to have?'

classroom scene of middle school students with frustrated male teacher

Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

When picking a career, it's a good idea to talk to people who have been in the professions you're considering for quite some time.

My parents wanted me to become a doctor, but I was ambivalent to the idea.

My discussions with veteran doctors convinced me there was no way I wanted to go into medicine.

So what are some other not so great jobs?

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People Explain Which Jobs Have Become Woefully Over-Romanticized
Damian Zaleski on Unsplash

Movies make so many jobs look cool to a point where we're like... "I want to do that!"

But in the end it's some of the most tedious, boring stuff we could do and then of course the danger factor always looks sexy until... you're in danger.

Being frivolous with our lives is romantic on paper, but makes you cry in reality.

And most of the time, the jobs don't pay.

That would be nice to know sooner.

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There are some events and pastimes in life that everyone can't get enough of, and I wish they would just go away.

For the life of me I sometimes cannot understand the things that make people satisfied.

I swear there are people who like newborns, could just stare at sparkly objects.

And for them that could be a full day.

We have to agree that there are some activities that have outlasted their prime.

Let's investigate...

Redditor WinstonChurchillin wanted to hear all the popular things that need to come to end soon, but too many people won't let them die. They asked:

"What do others enjoy that you find painfully boring?"
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People Explain Which Television Shows They Just Could Not Get Invested In
Possessed Photography

We are in the golden age of television. Television is where it is at. But that doesn't mean everything is worth your time. There are so many "IT" shows, and there has been for like a decade. We can't keep up. If we could, we'd only be watching the television and never see the light of day.

But there are programs that don't survive the hype. And I hate that. You put aside time to start a series where everyone is... "OMG. This is everything!" Then you watch ten minutes and you're like... " Meh."

Being a fan takes time and patience, and I'm lacking both. So let's discuss what stories need to be avoided.

Redditor u/TheEliteKoala1 wanted to talk about all the tv entertainment that we just... didn't love, by asking:

What TV show could you just not get into?
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