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Some Random Guy Left A Jar Of Bees In A Bookstore, And Twitter Was Buzzing With Jokes
Christina Reichi/Getty Images, @techofmeaning

To bee or not to bee? That was the question for the staff at a small London bookstore yesterday after discovering a jar of bees left behind by a forgetful customer in a blue coat. In their search for the elusive "Bee Gent" they unwittingly set the hive mind on Twitter abuzz with bee-related puns.

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This Story About How A Bunch Of Strangers At An LGBT Bookstore Saved A Closeted Man's Life Is Incredibly Powerful
CommerceandCultureAgency/Getty Images

Kindness still exists, and community can save lives, and that is exactly what happened in a small LGBT bookstore. Sometimes knowing that you aren't really as alone as you feel can make all the difference in the world.

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