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The Dumbest Ways People Have Ever Gotten A Scar

"A Redditor asked: 'What is the dumbest way you've gotten a scar?'"

A bandaid is set over a crack in the street
Photo by Luis Villasmil

So many people try to do away with scars and blemishes.

They can be seen as ugly.

But they tell the stories of our lives.

Maybe it's not the best memory.

But you're still alive to tell the tale.

However, not all scars are from some epic story.

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People Share The Best Hygiene Tips They Know
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Good hygiene is important.

Not only for yourself but for others around you.

Having bad breath or a strong unpleasant bodily odor will result in an unpleasant experience for anyone in close proximity to you.

Although, sometimes we may find that despite our best efforts, we can't seem to shake the fragrance emitting from our bodies.

Making any advice people have to offer extremely valuable.

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One of the things people love most about sex and taking certain drugs is the way your body feels as a result.

The warm, cozy, and relaxed feeling that makes one feel as if they don't have a care in the world.

Of course, one needn't always rely on those libations to achieve a relaxing, physical sensation.

Indeed, many people find themselves in that state of relative zen owing to the very simplest of actions.

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People Describe The Most Unusual Feature About Their Body
Mattheus Ferrero/Unsplash

Some people, like me and Fetty Wap, only have one eye.

Some folks are "allergic" to being hungry or full.

Some people have visible limb differences that their partner calls their "lucky fin" (hi babe!)

Some people have hair birthmarks! Yep, those are a thing.

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I've watched people devour things I couldn't fathom swallowing.

Like... "Why are you doing that to your body?"

I love food as much as the next person, but somethings really should just stay on the vine.

So many of the current most popular foods make no sense to me.

Avocado. Just... why? It's green slime.

To each their own.

Redditor mintylye wanted to discuss personal issues with the menu. They asked:

"What food does everyone love to eat, but you don't?"
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