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Until we're in a situation, we'll never really know how we'll react.

I have been in this scenario, though.

Sex matters. And people rarely want to admit how much.

But sex isn't a lifetime guarantee.

It fades, as does love.

It's important to speak about it.

It can be a fixable situation.

A relationship without sex may not be the end of the world, but it's definitely a sign that something is off.

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People Share The Most Disturbing Facts They Know
Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

There are just some things in life that are not necessary knowledge.

Maybe we always hold out that tiny bit of hope we will one day be on Jeopardy... because you never know.

It's the creepy facts about life that leave me wondering and reeling.

Redditors Panzer_ace_8 wanted to compare notes on the things we're aware of that maybe we wish we could forget. They asked:

"What’s a disturbing fact you know?"
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People Explain Which Part Of The Body Is Their Absolute Favorite
Photo by Nhia Moua on Unsplash

The human body is endlessly fascinating.

Particularly as bodies are unique to every human on earth, barring identical twins.

It's fascinating to see two people walking down the street and just how different each individual part of their bodies can be.

It's also easy to be fascinated by our own bodies.

Even though we spend every waking moment in them, every now and then it's hard not to wonder why certain parts of us are the way they are, or admire how other parts of us function.

Redditor Few-Description-9124 was curious to learn what parts of their bodies people admired the most, leading them to ask:

"Which body part is your favorite?"
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There are very few people who don't wish there was something different about their body.

Who doesn't dream of washboard abs, smooth silky hair or sparkling eyes?

But what if we could improve our bodies even further?

What if we could give them special features more commonly found in science fiction?

Redditor MeatScepterGuy was curious what feature, big or small, people wished was part of their anatomy, leading them to ask:

"If you had the ability to add a feature to the human body, what would it be?"
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People Explain Which Part Of Their Body They Find The Most Annoying

My uterus.

That's it.

That's my most annoying body part.

Why is it trying to overthrow the whole rest of me?

Please make it stop.

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