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Blind People Explain Which Features They Find The Most Physically Attractive In A Partner
Image by 👀 Mabel Amber, who will one day from Pixabay

For those of us who are not blind, imagining all the daily elements of romantic life can be quite difficult.

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LEGO Introduces New Bricks To Help Visually Impaired Children Learn Braille, And They're Already A Hit
@LEGO_Group/Twitter and @Momotaroichiban/Twitter

LEGO is making strides towards educational and not just imagination-driven toys.

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This Adorable 'Seeing Eye' Puppy Who Helps His Blind Canine Friend 'See' Is Taking Over Instagram

An eleven-year-old golden retriever named Charlie lost his eyesight due to glaucoma, but a new friend is giving him a renewed leash on life and helping him look on the bright side.

Charlie's owners Adam and Chelsea Stipe from Mooresville, North Carolina, made the difficult decision to have his left eye removed in 2016 due to the pain caused by the glaucoma.

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It's difficult to imagine what it would be like to be deprived of sight.

We are so dependent on our senses to narrate the world around us, that losing one of them would easily mess with us. Blindness in particular would be so different for most of us that we cannot fathom the stakes.

It makes us curious.

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All new emojis must be approved by the Unicode Consortium, which often receives submissions from companies like Apple and Google on what the next emojis should be. In a victory for the disabled and LGBTQ+ communities, the Consortium has announced 2019's new emojis will include many symbols centered around inclusion.

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