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People Share The One Thing They Wish They Never Saw

My eyes! My eyes! Take them!

Life is difficult to live and bare witness to. There are moments and situations that are seared vividly into all of us. The things we can never unsee. Whether it be a moment of violence or tragedy or heartbreak, it'll be something we all wish we could change. That's why it's always best to have others to share with. Reach out. Especially to loved one and professionals.

Redditor u/ThisDudeDaShawn wanted to know what unspeakable acts of life we've witnessed by asking.... What is something you wish you never saw or heard?

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Medical Professionals Share Their Best "You're Faking It" Moments

Pull up your seats, folks. I'm about to take you on a magical journey of medical f*ckery the likes of which only Reddit could bring you.

Yeah, it's like that.

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We'd all be lying if we said we'd never taken even a little bit of joy in messing with someone. You may have to lie to the people who know you in person, but c'mon. This is the internet, we're all friends in our mutual horribleness here.

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