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People Share The Most Obvious Hints Women Gave Them That They Completely Missed
Photo by Josh Mills on Unsplash

Sometimes we can all be a little oblivious.

The signs are there, and so are the red flags.

For instance, women are brilliant at throwing out subtle hints.

I feel like it's actually an art form they've mastered, and I've studied for my own villainous choices.

But for anyone interested in getting to know a woman, Reddit has got your back.

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Blind People Explain Which Features They Find The Most Physically Attractive In A Partner
Image by 👀 Mabel Amber, who will one day from Pixabay

For those of us who are not blind, imagining all the daily elements of romantic life can be quite difficult.

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Life is difficult to live and bare witness to. There are moments and situations that are seared vividly into all of us. The things we can never unsee. Whether it be a moment of violence or tragedy or heartbreak, it'll be something we all wish we could change. That's why it's always best to have others to share with. Reach out. Especially to loved one and professionals.

Redditor u/ThisDudeDaShawn wanted to know what unspeakable acts of life we've witnessed by asking.... What is something you wish you never saw or heard?

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Eat carrots!! They keep the eyes strong... so they say! One day we will all, maybe need glasses, it's a hardship but not a shame. Just life.

Redditor u/araarq wanted to know who was willing to admit who needed some vision help, by asking.... People with glasses, when did you realize you needed them?

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Seeing is a gift. Most of us feel that the sense of sight is a given. But so many people lose the ability to see, which is tragic. Being able to see then suddenly not is a hell unto itself, whether permanent or temporary. IaF you're reading this.... BE GRATEFUL!!

Redditor u/HiddenLayer5 wanted to hear from those who have lost their gift of sight by asking... People who could see but went blind, what's it like? Is it like being in perpetual darkness or something else?

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