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Woman looking at Bible
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Famous quotes have frequently been credited to the wrong famous person, like William Shakespeare, Albert Einstein, or even Morgan Freeman.

But another popular reference point is the Bible, to which a surprising number of ideas have been falsely credited.

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Religion isn't for everybody.

That may seem like a controversial statement, but it's just fact.

And that is ok. They have that choice.

People lose faith.

Hence the birth of the atheist.

It's always fascinating to learn about when someone chose to change beliefs.

So let's discuss it.

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People Break Down Which Things Are Wrongly Attributed To The Bible

Arguably the most widely published and widely speculated about book in the world is the Bible. With a seemingly endless number of translations, religious denominations and different individual interpretations, it is hard to say whoever could be “right."

There are some statements though that have to be taken at face value or not, because they don't appear in any version of the Bible.

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Psychologists Imagine How They Would Diagnose God Based On The Bible

Reddiotr IvLiv wondered what would you say to God as mental health professional by asking...

Psychologists of Reddit, if you had God as a patient, how would you diagnose him based on his actions described in the Bible?
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