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The Real Reason People Left Their Ex

Reddit user Kenybrown asked: 'What’s the reason you left your ex?'

couple sitting on a bench
Photo by Charlie Foster on Unsplash

Ending a relationship is never easy.

In several cases, the reasons for doing so might also be unexpected.

More often than not, it simply becomes apparent to both members of the couple that the relationship has simply run its course, and there is no future.

Other times, however, there might be an inciting incident that made staying in the relationship no longer tenable.

Possibly a surprising act by one member of the couple, or a longstanding secret that was finally unearthed.

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People Share The Dumbest Reasons Their Ex Has Ever Given Them For Cheating
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Some people are just trash. And we can't help ourselves but fall in love with these fools. We give ourselves to them. We love them and teach how to love. And what do they do? They cheat.

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People Divulge The Exact Reason Why They Have Trust Issues
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Trust is hard. At a certain age it becomes near impossible to give it or to "trust" it. Not to be macabre but honestly, life breaks us and can destroy our ability to believe in the goodness of others.

It's unfortunate that so many people are willing to treat others like trash. That kind of behavior leaves scars and that kind of pain never really goes away. Mistrust manifests in ways that can hinder life.

I try my best to believe in everyone but after the things I've seen, that sounds naive. And then that belief makes me depressed. I don't want to believe the worst, it's just that I, and many of us, have been subjected to so much of it.

Redditor u/Billabongo12 wanted to see who would discuss their emotional scars by asking:

What is the story behind your trust issues?
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People Share The Best Examples Of When An Attempt To Cover Something Up Totally Backfired
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Lies and secrets, secrets and lies. They always find a way to trickle out. Why we think we can make a big problem go by covering it up is beyond me. Nine times out of ten, the reason the drama is so fraught is because of the cover-up. If we would just attend to issues when they arise with logic, we'd all be a lot better off. But we're humans, we learn nothing.

Redditor u/Inflatabledartboard4 wanted to see who was willing to openly discuss about the times the "plan"... went completely off the rails by asking... What is the best example of a major cover-up backfiring?
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It's a common trope in fiction: the best friend who sleeps with their best friend's partner.

How often does it happen?

More often than you'd think.

And how does it end?

In all kinds of different ways.

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