best friend

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People Explain Why They Really Severed All Ties With Their Best Friend
Photo by Ye Jinghan on Unsplash

Friendships aren't always meant to last forever. To quote someone incredibly smart, sometimes people come into our lives, stay a little while, and then they have to go. While it's sad, the happy parts make it all worthwhile. I think a cartoon blue heeler said it.

And then there's these, friendship splits a long time coming, or out of the blue, which make you think,

"Wow, why were we friends again?"

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People Divulge Which Secret They Most Regret Sharing With Someone
Photo by saeed karimi on Unsplash

Secrets are heavy. Holding a problem or discomfort inside seems to have its own extra dose of gravity. It feels lonely and usually, the best and only way to lighten that load is to get out.

We tell someone we trust the secret and we feel a little less lonely, and suddenly it doesn't all seem so heavy on our shoulders anymore.

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The trajectory of a dwindling friendship can take a couple different forms.

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Sometimes one action can give a complete impression of a person, and it can't be unseen afterward.

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Society gets confused about when two people of opposing genders are best friends.

It's never that you can just be friends. People make assumptions constantly about you both and how your relationship with each other must be.

And to make it worse, people that you love and trust do this to you too.

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