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In spite of the separation of church and state and the fact that anyone should be able to freely practice any religion they choose, an ever-increasing number of far-right conservatives have used their Christian beliefs to espouse hatred and bigotry.

An all too common attack they utilize is telling someone who disagrees with them that they're "going to Hell."

Unfortunately, this prediction rarely leads people to quake in their boots as was intended.

And instead, they're the ones who often find themselves at a loss for words when the people they verbally attack have a comeback line all prepared.

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People Divulge The Dumbest Things Some Folks Actually Believe Are Real
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

Humans are the dumbest species.

It's a scientific fact!!

Ok, maybe not THE dumbest, but we're up there.

How many times have you stood there, jaw on the floor, in a conversation or listening to a conversation and you thought...

Do you hear you?

It's a scary world out there when you hear what other believe to be true.

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People Share Myths Passed From One Generation To The Next That Some Folks Still Believe
Jack Hamilton on Unsplash

It's truly absurd how many people out there believe all sorts of medical myths. Believe it or not, there is no magic pill designed to help you lose weight.

For most people it's as simple as diet and exercise—and yes, what that looks like will depend a lot on your own body, which is why meeting with a dietician or speaking with a trainer might be a good option if you want to delve a bit deeper.

There is no crazy new diet or detox regimen that will help you out... unless you want to risk your health.

Sorry to disappoint.

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People Break Down Which Modern Day Practices And Beliefs Will Be Considered Barbaric In The Future
Clay Banks on Unsplash

It's hard not to look back on history and be disgusted by a number of things which were at one point deemed acceptable, even not so long ago in the grand scheme of things.

The endless list includes segregation and women not having the right to vote.

We'd certainly like to think that we've come a long way.

But when we look back on how much we, as a culture, have evolved for the better, it also makes us stop and wonder what current customs or practices accepted in society today people twenty years from now will look back on in disgust.

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When we're little, we're inclined to believe things that seem ridiculous when we get older. Most of us believed in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy at some point. Many of us believed unicorns existed, or that there were monsters hiding under our beds.

When we were 10, my best friend and I convinced our younger brother that we were spies that went to a special spy school in the middle of the night to train. When I was 12, I managed to convince my soccer camp rival that I was pregnant with a carrot. I'm still not sure how that worked!

The point is, when we're children, we tend to believe a lot of silly, or even stupid things. However, some of us carry some of those stupid beliefs into adulthood.

Reddit users shared some of the stupidest things that they or someone they know still believe thanks to Redditor OnionChan_.

He asked:

"What are the stupidest things that some people believe?"
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