being kind

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Doing good deeds can be something contagious. And Lord do we need some beautiful contagion right about now. Pay it forward shouldn't just be an idea, it should be a way of life. Committing even the smallest act of kindness for someone, whether they are a loved one or a stranger, can change the course of so many lives. Being kind is a domino effect, a really great one. So pay for a coffee, hold a door... or just smile.

Redditor u/emceeizzy wanted everyone to fess up to the goodwill they've spread that they've also kept quiet about, by asking.... What's the nicest thing you've ever done for someone secretly?
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Doing good deeds is often a selfless act. It's a golden rule... go through life doing good and your best and expect nothing in return. It's generous way to be, and often the reward is in witnessing the fruits of it's intentions, but every once and awhile it's ok to admit, a little recognition would be warming or just the thought of receiving recognition. We're all human, a pat on the back goes a long way.

Redditor u/David00001729 wanted hear from everyone who has been slighted for a good deed or two by asking.... What is the biggest thing you did but never got recognized for?
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It is really easy to be a decent human being. Nobody is asking anyone to be a super hero or do something life threatening. It takes only seconds to be kind. So try it... please. With the state of the world today, every possible gesture, big, small, grandiose.... microscopic could change a life. Be the change, spread some joy. It will help others but it will mostly help oneself.

Redditor u/Self_World_Future wanted everyone to share about which actions that often seem to go unnoticed are truly the greatest gifts by asking.... What is an underrated thoughtful gesture?
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Sometimes it's good to be a good person. Actually it's always good to be a good person but it's not often easy. If only we all could be the people we are when we're feeling the most generous of spirit. They say doing for others without asking for something in return is an act that that makes the world go round, or at the very least, reminds others there is still good in the world. And Lord do we need that reminder now. Times are rough.... help out where you can. It'll do us all good.

Redditor u/ONLYFORASKREDDIT999 wanted to hear from everyone out there about those times they decided to do a little something special by asking.... What is the nicest thing you have ever done for a stranger?
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