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Woman in underwear on the beach.
Photo by Yarden on Unsplash

It's a sad truth that just about all women find their bodies objectified or, for better or worse, the unwanted subject of conversation.

One of the many reasons why too many women are self-conscious about their bodies and suffer from sometimes crippling body image issues.

More often than not, women often find themselves most self-conscious about a part of their body or appearance most people will never notice, or even see.

But much to their surprise, sometimes it is that very thing they hate most about themselves that others might find most beautiful about them.

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There's no denying that the world is easier for attractive people. There have even been studies done on this phenomenon.

Attractive people get paid more, get considered for more jobs, and they're likelier to have much stronger social skills than someone who is considered unattractive. This isn't to say that attractive people do not succeed on the basis of their efforts and talents, but the hill is much tougher to climb if you're considered less attractive.

Suppose you wake up one day to find that you're drop dead gorgeous.

Just kidding – you already are!

But what would you do?

People shared their their ideas with us after Redditor _Lanaaaaa asked the online community,

"You're now the most attractive person in the world, what would be the first thing you'd do?"
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People Share The Most Annoying Things About Their Own Bodies
Andre Mouton on Unsplash

Nobody is perfect. We all have things about ourselves we'd love to change.

Now the body is a beautiful mastery to behold, but sometimes a few upgrades or changes couldn't hurt.

You can still love yourself and and want to change or eradicate a thing or two.

Just don't be obsessive it let it define you.

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People Share Which Human Traits They're Attracted To That Don't Match Accepted Beauty Norms
Soroush Karimi on Unsplash

One of my favorite Roald Dahl books is The Twits, about a man and wife with quite the mean streak. That's the least of it, but that's not the point.

Anyway, Dahl makes an excellent observation about people who have "good thoughts" versus those who don't.

"You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely," he writes, noting that when people have enough ugly thoughts, it begins to show on their face.

But someone might be into that—you never know.

Don't yuck someone's yum, man.

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People Explain The First Thing That Comes To Mind When They Think Of Greece
Constantinos Kollias on Unsplash

OPA! Greece. Let's talk about Greece.

Greece has always been on the top of my list for travel. It looks like one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

And don't even get me started on the food and the people. Stunning.

There is so much history and glory to discover. You can feel it all seeping out of the online photos.

Why is Greece so intoxicating? It's almost like it calls for you to visit.

What keeps Greece on the mind?

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