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Rules. Rules. Rules.

I get that we have to have rules and order.

Without all rules, we have anarchy and chaos.

But it feels like some schools just go overboard.

I mean, a principal is the head administrator, not a warden.

Especially when there are so many do's and donts that make absolutely so sense.

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People Divulge The Reasons They've Been Banned From An Establishment
Isaiah Rustad on Unsplash

If you've never been banned from an establishment, then you haven't lived.

I jest.

But seriously, getting a bit raucous now and again and being escorted from a geographical point is like a rite of passage.

Now there is no need to be violent or cause property damage, that's just craziness. But maybe being a little too loud, or standing your ground with an ornery manager is worth it.

Just try to not be led out in handcuffs.

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Before starting this article, I was pretty sure that it was hard to get yourself banned from someplace, but Quora now has me convinced that all it really takes is a misunderstanding or two before the ban-hammer comes crashing down.

The Quora question "What are you banned from and why?" racked up over 100 responses pretty quickly. It turns out people all around the world are just running around getting themselves banned from things.

Some people seemed almost proud of the things they got themselves banned from - taking it almost like sport. Others were justifiably upset. Personally, our favorites were the ones so ridiculous that they were embarrassing; like the time a drunken Burger King run almost caused an international incident. We'll let you read the rest on that one...

Here are people's stories about where or what they've managed to get themselves banned from.

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My first job was at Ross. I was in high school, I was young and naive - far too young and naive for the horrors that awaited me the first day I was asked to help clean out the fitting rooms. Our store didn't have restrooms open to the public, though we would let customers use them if they asked - particularly women with children. Unfortunately, several customers decided there was no point in asking, they would just help themselves to use the fitting rooms as bathrooms. Diapers, menstrual products, and urine puddles were pretty common. Nothing could prepare us for the "Black Friday Incident of 1998"

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