bad parents

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A yellow stick figure family painting (little girl, dad,  mom, baby) on asphalt
Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

I believe good parents are miracle workers.

And I know for a FACT that it is not a job I am capable of doing.

But, based on simple moments I've witnessed, I do believe there are some people I can do better than... if I had to.

Not everyone is born to be a parent.

And the crux of life is that, as a parent, there is no way to save your child from not being a mess somehow.

Case in point...

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People Share The Most Common Signs That Someone Grew Up With Sh*tty Parents
Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Family is meant to love you, protect you and make you feel like you matter.

At least that is what good parents do.

It's so sad when you see people who have been traumatized throughout life by the people they were meant to be their champions.

Being a kid can be heartbreaking.

Redditor Melon-Kolly wanted to discuss all the obvious traits that can be detected when one hasn't been blessed with parents that cared enough. So they asked:

"What are some common signs that someone grew up with sh*tty parents?"
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People Describe The Biggest A-Holes They've Ever Encountered Online
Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

Some people are just plain nasty, that is a sad fact. There is true evil in this world, and we see it on display every single day. It can often make one lose all hope in "humanity."

At my core, I try to believe that most of us have good hearts, that are connected to kind souls. But my beliefs are tested almost hourly.

One of the scariest things is trying to pinpoint whether or not most of these people are just callous and rude or, quite possibly, they simmering sociopaths, destined to be the villain in a Dateline NBC or podcast episode.

Let's compare notes.

Redditor SmokeAndCannon wanted to hear about the people we wish we could've avoided in person and online, by asking:

What's the biggest @sshole post you remember?
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Raising children isn't for everybody. That is a cold, hard fact that everyone should really comprehend.

Being a parent is one of the most, if not the most, important jobs in the world, it's a calling really. And being a good parent is essential.

Being an unwanted human is the most devastating feeling in life. So that's why I get so aggravated when people try to push others to have children when they're not ready or are unsure.

There is so much avoidable pain and heartache by just being honest.

Redditor u/SniperGlizzy was wondering about some of the hard truths when it comes to parenting by asking people to share... [Serious] What is it like to have children you don't want?
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