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People Share Their First Date Red Flags

"Reddit user Fun-Lack7534 asked: 'What is the biggest red flag on a first date?'"

A red neon sign that says Love Stories and it's reflection
Photo by Christian Lue

First dates can be very exciting.

Sure, you're nervous, and you're hoping this person isn't a serial killer, but that's all part of the excitement.

Imagine being interviewed later that you were on a date with a serial killer?

Podcast fame cemented.

But first dates are the chance for everyone to put their best lies... Sorry, best foot forward.

That's why certain behaviors can be alarming.

Don't ignore the red flags just because you're looking for romance.

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People Divulge Which Things Europeans Aren't Ready To Hear
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Nobody likes the truth.

We pretend we do.

The truth tends to lead to hurt feelings.

But we need to hear it.

Redditor Skinny_Cacitas wanted to get into some truths, though it may fall on deaf ears for many. They asked:

"What's something Europeans aren't ready to hear?"
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Women Who Gave A Creep A Chance Explain How It Went
Photo by René Ranisch on Unsplash

Love is a gamble.

That is just fact.

Even if they seem perfect that can often change.

That's why a lot people have taken a chance on the "not obvious" person.

Why not try with this guy? See what happens.

Have y'all seen "Fatal Attraction?"

THAT is what happens.

Creepy is creepy for a reason.

Be careful ladies.

Redditor HorizontalInterrupt wanted to hear from all the ladies out there about the times they decided to go ahead and see what happened with a guy. So they asked:

"Women who gave the creep a chance, how did it go?"
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Being horny can make people crazy.

Take a shower, have a drink, say a prayer.

This feeling too shall pass.

People seem to cast aside all judgement once they get that itch to start scratching.

Redditor Karlosmdq wanted to hear all the saucy details about mistakes during sexy time. They asked:

"What did your 'horny you' do that your 'normal you' would never do?"
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"When they go low, we go high."

Mighty words spoken by Michelle Obama.

That sentence has become a mantra.

Sometimes the stronger path is the one where you just move on.

But that can be a difficult pill to swallow.

Revenge is tricky. Often you can't control it.

Redditor Livyzmy wanted to hear about all the times revenge got out of control. They asked:

"Have you ever purposefully tried to get revenge on someone only to realize it hurt them way worse than you intended? If so, what did you do?"
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