bad habits

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Woman keeping secret by holding finger to lips and whispering, "Shhh"
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

We've all done some embarrassing things in our lives, and we may do what we can to keep them a secret.

Whether it was something legitimately embarrassing or something like not taking the best care of ourselves, sometimes it's easier to keep those behaviors private than to have a tough or awkward conversation about them.

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People Explain Which Of Their Partner's Habits Annoy Them The Most

Dealing with THIS was not in the vows!!

People Explain Which Of Their Partner's Habits Annoy Them The Most

Love is about loving and appreciating all of your partner's best.... and worst. And as we all know appreciating the worst is the key to longevity. Those moments of when you have to take a deep breath and say.... "I love this person, so you have to decide to gloss over this moment. SO grab a vodka!" Nobody is perfect, we all have some quirks and some are more adverse than others.

Redditor u/kzrovi wanted everyone to divulge a few relationship issues while their partner was asleep by asking....

What habit that your spouse or partner has that annoys you the most?

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