bad guys

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It's easy to assume things about history since we weren't actually there. We're taught to believe everything we read, but often times, it takes more research to figure out the truth.

There are a lot of historical figures we believe were bad based on what we first read or heard. However, upon further research, we find out they weren't actually that bad.

Some of them got a bad reputation even though all they did was make a mistake. Others just weren't appreciated for their ideas and inventions during their own time. Some of them are even heroes!

It seems Redditors did some of that extra research and are ready to share their findings.

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Who doesn't love the bad boys? And girls?

They are the most delicious. The most fun I ever had on stage was the few times I got to play the villain.

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People Share The Best Movies Where The Bad Guy Actually Wins
Jeremy Yap/Unsplash

We love a feel good movie. Especially in America, we love an underdog going from zero to hero and saving the day. Just look at Captain America's origin movie.

But what about movies where the villain wins in the end? Even if it seems like our main character has caught the bad guy and made out on top, sometimes the villains still get away with their agenda. Regardless of if they're caught, it can feel unsatisfying but makes for a compelling story.

We went to Ask Reddit to know which movies gave the villain what they wanted in the end.

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People Explain Which Historical 'Bad Guys' Were Actually Okay
Image by Hands off my tags! Michael Gaida from Pixabay

Everybody loves to hate a villain.

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People Break Down Which Historical 'Bad Guys' Weren't Actually That Bad
Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

Hollywood tends to take dramatic liberties when depicting historical events or figures. And with good reason.

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