bad guy

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If one were to really think about it, the villains might be the true hero of any story.

Of course, their actions remain indefensible and their behavior appalling, nor should we ever be rooting for them to succeed.

However, without the villains, where would any story go?

It's the villains who create conflict in our favorite books, films, and television series, and ultimately draw us into the story and keep our attention.

Even if we don't find ourselves sympathizing with villains portrayed by certain actors, it's hard not to find ourselves fascinated by them!

Sometimes, it's hard to even take our eyes off them.

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People Debate The Biggest A**holes In All Of History
Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

History is littered with the dregs of humanity. Taking a course in English Lit and World or American History can be a reason for anyone to drink. Then you come home and watch an episode of "Dateline NBC" or CNN or FOX and realize.... our current history isn't producing the best of the best either. Simply put, there are not nice people out there. They've always been there. And we should shame them. But then learn from them what not to do.... after the shaming.

Redditor u/GyapaetusWeed wanted everyone to compare notes and divulge who is the worst of the worst by asking.... Who's the biggest asshole in History?

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Admitting that you're wrong can be a really tough thing for some people. No one likes to admit that they're the bad guy- we're all the heroes in our own story, after all. Though once that realization clicks, there's no going back.

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