bad advice

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Years ago, people insisted that the best way to get a job would be to just walk into an office and hand someone your resume.

And you know what? I suppose that—for a time—it worked.

The job market of today is nothing like the job market of the past, and, truth be told, I did follow that advice when I was younger (and yes, I managed to secure a job or two in the process).

But given the state of things, it's clear that advice like this doesn't hold up anymore, and it's far from the only advice that falls into this bracket.

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People Debate The Widely Shared Advice That Is Utter Bullsh*t
Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash

Truly believe only half of what you see, and almost nothing that you hear. This is sage advice that has followed generations upon generations of people. Truly only filter out the things you know are going to work for you.

Unfortunately, not everybody has the self-possession to claim their own path. But we can teach those people what advice NOT to take. And some of that advice you should ignore is actually the very advice some people really believe in.

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People Divulge The Worst Piece Of Advice They've Ever Received
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Everyone has an opinion and apparently that opinion is golden advice. (Two different things)

You can give opinions, but know what you're saying and sharing.

Advice is more... heavy. It's definitive.

So beware and take "advice" with a grain of salt.

Redditor PsychedelicAirFusion wanted to hear about the times other people should've just stayed quiet with their opinions, by asking:

"What's the worst advice you have received?"
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People Share The Worst Advice They've Ever Received
Image by Ivan Pretorius from Pixabay

"If you have nothing nice to say, come sit next to me." That is a classic line from the movie and play "Steel Magnolias." It is spoken by the brilliant Olympia Dukakis.

Everyone thinks they're a genius with advice. And everybody would be wrong. I believe at least 7.5 times out of 10, most people throw out ideas about other's lives without thinking first. And we all need to be stronger in not listening.

Redditor u/sofsbear wanted to share all the times we really should've told people to shut up and stopped listening, by asking:

What was the worst advice you have ever received?
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People Share The Absolute Worst Piece Of Financial Advice Someone Has Ever Given Them
Image by Charles Thompson from Pixabay

It is just a truth about life that money is an essential for survival. So we try to hoard and save as much as we can. That's why it can be stroke inducing when funds are depleted, especially because we trusted the wrong people to help us with growing our prosperity.

Redditor u/Miserable-Tea-1836 wanted to hear about what NOT to do when it comes to controlling wealth by asking..... What's the worst piece of financial advice somebody has given you?
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