back handed compliments

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People Share The Most Savage Backhanded Compliments They've Ever Heard

Don't let people fool you. Shade is shade is shade. An insult wrapped in a buttery prose is still a knife meant to slash, no matter how fetching the vocabulary.

If it sounds like a barb, it was. That is not to say that the act of subtly jabbing others, particularly in public, isn't itself an art form. Some of the best people I know can throw scolding tea on someone and the recipient will still believe they're standing in front of the witnesses bone dry.

We've all found little ways here and there to let people know how we really feel, but the insult detector on the receiving end has gotten better over generations.

Redditor u/jrabbit33 wanted to hear best shade they've been sent or witness to, by asking:

What are things that sound like compliments, but are actually insults?
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